There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on Thursday night, March 13 – 14, 2025. The lower 48 will see the complete eclipse, while Alaska and Hawaii will miss the beginning penumbral phase. Why? The Moon has not risen yet in western Alaska or Hawaii. Moonrise occurs some 30 minutes after the penumbral phase has begun. As you can see in the graphic below, the penumbral phase is mainly impossible to see until within 30 minutes of the partial phase.

North America and the western portion of South America will be able to see a complete lunar eclipse on March 13 – 14, 2025. However, because it is daytime, mainly in the eastern hemisphere, countries like China, India, and Saudi Arabia will not be able to see this lunar eclipse (see below).

Below is a photo I took of the comet on October 14 at 7:15 pm in Huntsville, Alabama. It was a 10-second exposure. An anti-tail can be seen below the nucleus. A nearly full Moon added to the mix.

The photo below was taken on October 13th.

This graphic of the evening sky (as seen above) is set for March 3, 2025, and shows Mercury, Venus, and the Moon 30 minutes after sunset. Venus will be at superior conjunction on June 4, 2024, thus returning to the evening sky for the rest of this year into the next, ending on March 22, 2025, at inferior conjunction.
The two animated graphics below show Venus’s appearance from the northern and southern hemispheres 30 minutes after sunset for each day. Specifically, these two locations are both at a longitude of 90 degrees west. The difference is in the latitude. The animation on the left is at 45 degrees north latitude, while the one on the right is at 45 degrees south.
The third graphic is a combination of the first two stacked. I was unsure which would be easier to grasp—side by side or stacked, so I have both.
It’s incredible how Venus’s path looks so different from one latitude to another! That difference is 90 degrees. The animations below spans 304 days.